Successful kick-off meeting for “Play to Participate – Participate to Play” project

Successful kick-off meeting for “Play to Participate – Participate to Play” project

We are delighted to announce the successful kick-off meeting of the “Play to Participate – Participate to Play” (P2P) project, held in Belgrade, Serbia, on February 1st and 2nd, 2024. This event marked the official start of a collaborative initiative aimed at promoting inclusive sports and active participation among youth across Europe.

The meeting brought together esteemed project partners from various countries, including Serbia, Italy, Malta, Greece, and Portugal. Representatives from NGO IUVENTA, TDM 2000 International, TDM 2000 Malta, the Association for Education and Development of Disabled People, CXJV Conexao Jovem, the Hellenic Wheelchair Basketball Federation, FDI Portugal, the Malta Football Association, Associazioni Sportive e Sociali Italiane and our club gathered to discuss and strategize the project’s implementation.

The two-day event commenced with warm welcomes and introductions, setting the tone for productive discussions and collaborative planning. NGO IUVENTA, the lead organization, provided an insightful overview of the project’s background, purpose, and objectives, highlighting the importance of fostering youth participation in sports.

Throughout the meeting, detailed presentations covered various work packages, including project management, research, sport youth councils and youth leadership programs. Each partner outlined their roles and responsibilities, ensuring a clear understanding of tasks, milestones, and deliverables. The agenda also included sessions on quality assurance, risk management, dissemination and exploitation strategies, budget and financial considerations, and legal coordination, ensuring a comprehensive approach to project execution.

The atmosphere was both professional and friendly, with plenty opportunities for networking during coffee breaks, lunch and an informal dinner. These interactions strengthened the consortium’s cohesion and commitment to the project’s success.

The kick-off meeting concluded with a productive open discussion on the next steps and future actions. Participants left with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm, ready to embark on this exciting journey to enhance youth engagement in sports.

We look forward to the successful implementation of the P2P project and the positive impact it will have on our communities. Stay tuned for more updates as we progress by visiting our P2P website